SAMSTAG, 13.07.2024 / 21.00 Uhr
90461 Nürnberg
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Grind und Crust im KV mit Hail Of Rage (US) + Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish (CH) + Frozen Man Syndrome
Hail Of Rage
Seattle, Washington, USA
Primal grind crust. Short ripping blasts of relentless fury resurfacing after years in deep sleep. These are the sounds of total unrest and modern times are disturbing the souls of buried rage
Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish
Hard discount grindcore since 2015 from Genlausbielbern, Switzerland. With members of Nostromo, Mumakil, The Afternoon Gentlemen, Nasty Face, Grotesquerie Kakothanasy and Murge
Frozen Man Syndrome
Eintritt gegen Spende - Empfehlung 8 bis 12 €
Aktuelle Infos HIER.
Hail Of Rage
Seattle, Washington, USA
Primal grind crust. Short ripping blasts of relentless fury resurfacing after years in deep sleep. These are the sounds of total unrest and modern times are disturbing the souls of buried rage
Exorbitant Prices Must Diminish
Hard discount grindcore since 2015 from Genlausbielbern, Switzerland. With members of Nostromo, Mumakil, The Afternoon Gentlemen, Nasty Face, Grotesquerie Kakothanasy and Murge
Frozen Man Syndrome
Eintritt gegen Spende - Empfehlung 8 bis 12 €
Aktuelle Infos HIER.
Frankenstraße 20090461 Nürnberg
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