SONNTAG, 25.02.2024 / 20.30 Uhr
Post Punk, Synth Punk Konzerte im Roten Salon


Powerplant occurs somewhere in the shadows of synth and post-punk that produces music to be listened to only at night. Once a solitary bedroom project of Ukrainian Theo Zhykharyev, that found its footing on the Internet and grew meat around the bone, becoming a full animated live band with members of London experimental electronic and hardcore scenes.
Powerplant’s sound is ever evolving, stretching from early lo-fi garage-punk recordings, straight synth-punk ‘People in the Sun’ LP to post-punk ‘A Spine / Evidence’ EP and 2022’s unexpected hour-long dungeon synth release ‘Stump Soup’.
If seen live, you are guaranteed to smell the sizzle of synthesisers, hear fast precise drums - 100% live, jumpy giddy bass and a little guitar to go with unintelligible, yet mesmerising oral performance! This could be just your kind of thing!
To better days!


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Frankenstraße 200
90461 Nürnberg

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