DIENSTAG, 06.12.2022 / 19.30 Uhr
Zwei Deathcore Bands, die in der Galerie ordentlich einheizen. Nachholtermin vom 07.05.2021.


2022 kommen Carnifex und Chelsea Grin auf Co-Headliner-Tour in den Z-Bau.

Chelsea Grin:
Chelsea Grin has become a staple in the deathcore community. “Eternal Nightmare” the bandslatest effort is some of Chelsea Grin’s strongest work to date. Known for their technicality and brutal lyrics, “Eternal Nightmare” packs a punch and is sure to be exactly what fans have been waiting for and more, this is the band’s first release with vocalist Tom Barber of Lorna Shore. Chelsea Grin will support this release by appearing on the 2018 Vans Warped Tour as well as a headline run.

The undisputed masters of blackened deathcore have returned to ignite sonic memories of albums past with the scorch of old school sound. Set to be released in early Fall, 2021 via Nuclear Blast Records, CARNIFEX’s GRAVESIDE CONFESSIONS is no stranger to the harsh world in which it was created. While all of humanity experiences the turmoil of pain, weakness, and betrayal, it is also deeply ingrained in our nature to keep these notions closely protected; to keep them secret. Often as we approach death, we feel an insatiable need to reveal these things to one another; to confess. “‘GRAVESIDE CONFESSIONS’ is all the things you want to say, but don’t; the things you carry with you a little too long, sometimes right up to your deathbed. This record explores the spaces that we typically push to the side, in an honest and vulnerable way,” explains founder and vocalist Scott Ian Lewis. “There’s a release, a sense of humor, and a catharsis to be found in going there, especially when you don’t go there normally.”


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