DONNERSTAG, 12.03.2020 / 20.00 Uhr
Roter Salon // Heute Abend auf der Bühne: die norwegische Hard-Rock Band mit ihrem neuen Album “Waiting For The Night”.


After 18 years, six albums and countless live shows, AUDREY HORNE returns with an incredible live record – proving their unique ability to overwhelm your mind. The new album, entitled Waiting For The Night, will be released via Napalm Records on February 28, 2020.
AUDREY HORNE has merged the highlights of two of their legendary concerts on vinyl and CD for the first time ever. Their upcoming record contains 16 energetic tracks that were recorded live at the "USF Verftet" and "Bergfesten" in their hometown Bergen (Norway) in 2018.


Frankenstraße 200
90461 Nürnberg

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